these days

when i was at k-mart last, i bought a very rad computer game called nicktoons racing for 20 bucks. if you ever played mariokart on your snes, then it�s very much like that. except you race with catdog, spongebob square pants, stimpy, tommy from the rugrats and the purple thing from ahh! real monsters. it�s the best computer game ever, ever made.

this arrived for me today from the mother country. it�s the inside of love single on 12� vinyl. there were only ever 1000 pressed and now i own number 87. mmm. you don�t understand how happy this makes me. in the background of that photo you can see the set list from when custard played the horden pavillion in august, 1999. pinball lez man, rocknroll!

today, i made a somewhat fool hearty decision to change my lifestyle. i signed up for this thing called sure slim. it�s a weight loss program that a few people i know have had incredible results with. they take blood tests and work out how your metabolism works [whether you release too much or not enough insulin when you eat etc] and give you a diet program accordingly. then you go once a week for a weigh-in and motivational speeches.

the reason i say it�s fool hearty is because it�s costing me like 750 dollars. i can�t believe i paid that much money. but i think risking that is the only way i am going to be able to lose weight. so, hopefully in 10 months i will be a whole lot skinnier.

we�ll see. we�ll see.

a note to the people whinging about the long queues to buy tickets at parramatta stadium yesterday: IF YOU WERE REAL SUPPORTERS YOU WOULD�VE BEEN THERE TO SEE THE LOWER GRADES PLAY! goddammit, i hate people who rock up without a ticket five minutes before the game starts and expect to have no problems getting into the ground.

13/04/2004 17:18

light | love