the stars are shining above the city

the distance makes everything so intense.

today i was upset about something dumb that happened at work.

and he listened to me. and offered advice. fuck. i don't remember the last time i felt listened to by a boy.

and then he sent me sms's to make sure i was ok and said to me "if you need to talk i'm here for you."

and fuck, it's such a small thing. but everything's so new. and because we're so far apart, sometimes it doesn't feel like a real relationship. just a holiday fling.

i don't know if i believe in destiny or karma. but maybe something/one was looking out for me. cause one day, after reading his blog for 3 years, i got an urge to talk to him. and i'm so glad i acted on it.

and now we're here. and a lot of the times i can't believe it. he's one of the cool internet kids and now he's mine.

and it all feels so right

02/08/2006 21:36

light | love